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17. Liu, I. A., E.R. Gulson-Castillo, J.X. Wu, A.C. Demery, N. Cortes-Rodriguez, K.M. Covino, S.B. Lerman, S.A. Gill, V. Ruiz Gutierrez. 2024. Building bridges in the conversation about eponymous common names of North American birds. IBIS:10.1111/ibi.13320. [pdf]
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15. Taylor, L., S.P. Saunders, J.X. Wu, B.L. Bateman, J. Grand, W.V. DeLuca, C.B. Wilsey. 2022. Choice of prioritization method impacts recommendations for climate-informed bird conservation in the United States. Ecography 2022:e06401. [pdf]
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